Spring 2020 Learning Sessions

embedded systems to learn and create – 10 years of making, learning and sharing
Learn the basics of Computer Languages: c, PHP, Python, Bash
All four languages will be covered, where it will be apparent the similarities and differences of each.
Be sure to BRING a LAPTOP, as these are hands on sessions.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Camosun College Interurban Campus
4461 Interurban Road · Victoria, BC
Tech Bldg, Tec 177
Sure you can run an ad blocker on your device, but only your device benefits.
In this talk, we’ll compare PiHole, a popular ad blocker for the Pi with adblock for OpenWrt, and the benefits of doing so.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Q-CollegeSuite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC
A Raspberry Pi Shake and Boom is just one way to watch the earth move under your feet. See how Cody and Eileen found the Rpi Shake and Boom and more.
Suite 303 – 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Learn how to measure the electrical world using your embedded device. In this talk, we’ll answer the following, and show you lots of cool stuff:
Camosun College Interurban Campus
4461 Interurban Road · Victoria, BC
Tech Bldg, Tech 177
Learn the basics of Computer Languages: c, PHP, Python, Bash
All four languages will be covered, where it will be apparent the similarities and differences of each.
Be sure to BRING a LAPTOP, as these are hands on sessions.
10:00 AM – 12:00PM
Q College Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC
Learn how to use IPv6 to rescue your embedded device which has lost it’s IPv4 address (for some reason).
Bring a laptop with SSH installed for hands-on demo.
10am Q-College · Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC
Click here for Craig’s demo notes.
Learn the basics of Computer Languages: c, PHP, Python, Bash
All four languages will be covered, where it will be apparent the similarities and differences of each.
10:00 AM – 12:00PM
Camosun College Interurban Campus
4461 Interurban Road · Victoria, BC
Tech Bldg, Tech 177
Sign Up with Meetup here
Part 2 is Saturday, October 26, 2019
Bring a laptop with Wireshark (download) installed:
We’ll be covering the basics of packet capture, and seeing what is actually on your network. More Wireshark: pad
What is NetSig?
A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking.
Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!
1.5 hours on a weekday evening
Half of the meeting is education or presentation.
Half is sharing, and problem-solving.
A gathering of like-minded persons.
Understand and solve some of the challenges in networking today.
Are you IPv6 ready?
Help Victoria become a leader, rather than a follower in Networking.
Education | Traffic analysis: ELK stack and Packet Beat | Virtualized Networking in Cloud containers | IPv6 | Routing |
Victoria PiMakers and Others are on a summer break. We will meet again on Saturday, September 14th, at Q-College. The presentation(s) will be “My Summer Show & Tell.”
In the meantime…
Linux Sigs!
First Saturday of the Month
July 6th and August 3rd
9:30 am – 12:00pm
Quality Foods, Upstairs Large Boardroom
Eagle Ridge Plaza
27 Helmcken Rd
And The Net Sig!
First meeting
Thursday, July 25, 2019 and the next meeting is August 22.
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC
A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!
Half of the meeting is education or presentation. Half is sharing and problem-solving.
Bring a laptop with Wireshark installed: We’ll be covering the basics of packet capture, and seeing what is actually on your network.
This time we’ll delve into how to write a Node-Red program using the web-based GUI.
Presentation Notes are here.
Suite 303 – 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC
Find Part One here.
Jekyll sites can be connected to cloud-based CMS software such as CloudCannon, Forestry, Netlify or Siteleaf, and Github enabling content editors to modify site content without having to know how to code.
Here is the link to Gordon’s fine presentation.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Camosun College Interurban Campus
Tech Bldg, Tec 177
4461 Interurban Road · Victoria, BC
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC
Intro to Pi & Others is a 4 part series of short monthly sessions to help get you up and running with your Pi or Other (embedded device). It is a structured hour-long session where you can ask questions.
Please bring in your Pi, HDMI cable, and power supply. All other equipment will be provided.
This is a four-part series with each session building on the previous sessions, where Pi basics of software and hardware will be explored. Read More
Suite 303 – 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC
How’s your Project coming along. How can we help? Spring has sprung, we’d like to hear how the projects are doing?
Come share your favourite software or project with the group.
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Quality Foods, Upstairs Large Boardroom
27 Helmcken Rd · Victoria, BC
Eagle Creek (near Victoria General Hospital)
Get together, enjoy coffee, and talk Linux. Everyone is welcome
Camosun College
Bldg: Technology Bldg, Room: Tech 177 – 4461 Interurban Rd, Victoria, BC (parking at lot 8 for park users)
Another container technology which can also run on SBCs is Linux Containers (LXC/LXD). Each LXC Container appears to have its own network stack. And therefore is much more flexible than Docker.
We’ll run 20
See Craig’s documentation here.
VicPiMakers will be supporting Projects in 2019. What are Projects?
George Bowden – Timed Lock
Heidi Bada – Intro – https://badadigitalmarketing.com/piprojects/
Phillips Hue – timed dim/
Weather Sensors
Wearable Sensors in sport
Home Safety –
Flow sensor in
Launchpad pro using python – Open Firmware project
Environmental Sensors – birdfeeder motion (
Pi version of “the clapper”
Eileen & Cody – Space Station Light & Sound – https://github.com/cozyhost/
Plan on lighting Neo Pixels
Peter Sprague – Packet Radio Satellite tracker
Portable, run in
Moved from
Dan Willis – LED running as a Canadian flag flying
Weatherproof boxes outside
Q-College, Suite 303 – 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC
Contact projects at vicpimakers dot ca to share your project on our next Project Day.
Explore the Pi Cam and motion detection in Python
Get Deid’s presentation material here.
Camosun College
Bldg: Technology Bldg, Room: Tech 177 – 4461 Interurban Rd, Victoria, BC (parking at lot 8 for park users)
Camosun College
Bldg: Technology Bldg, Room: Tech 177 – 4461 Interurban Rd, Victoria, BC (parking at lot 8 for park users)
Docker is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization, also known as “containerization”. A Container is a lightweight application component including all the required elements (libraries, config, etc). Containers can be quickly started up without polluting your file system with libraries, and config files, and easily upgraded with one command.
In this presentation, we’ll install docker on the Pi, and get nginx webserver up and running in a container. The presentation material can be found here.
Docker Software https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docker_(software)
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Q-College, Suite 303 – 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC
Hosted by George Bowden and Craig Miller
LIGHTS OUT, a possible life saver. An acquaintance fell in the washroom and was unable to raise attention for thirty hours, and never fully recovered. The monthly cost ($50) of wearable alert bracelets and the habit of not wearing them is a large risk to seniors living alone. This alarm system, based on an ESP8266 and a php web app, alerts friends that a bathroom light has been left on for way too long. The link to the presentation docs is here.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Q-College, Suite 303 – 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC
A shallow Dive into Adafruit’s Circuit Playground Express
The Circuit Playground Express is a small, cheap($32) dev board from Adafruit Industries designed to introduce electronics and programming to the novice. It’s built around an ATSAMD21 ARM Cortex MO processor and is programmable with either circuitpython or Microsoft’s ‘Makecode’ block programming interface. The board also houses a variety of sensors (motion, temperature, light, touch), buttons, a slide switch and IR transmit/receive capability. In this presentation I’ll demo some of the easier projects that I’ve mastered and maybe include something using the Adafruit Crickit, and add-on board for the CPX designed for simple robotics. See the reading list here.
Hosted by Paul and Craig Miller
Camosun College
Bldg: Technology Bldg, Room: Tech 259 – 4461 Interurban Rd, Victoria, BC (parking at lot 8 for park users) presentation pdf
In this session, we’ll cover programming Neopixel LEDs driven by the ESP8266 using a Web Interface. We’ll cover the hardware interface to the LEDs as well as the web interface (running on the ESP8266 utilizing the PL9823).
In Part2, we’ll harden the installation by adding TLS/SSL and IPv6 support via NodeRed running on a Pi
Suite 303 – 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC
Two views of Statistical Programming. The second in the series. R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics that is supported by the R Foundation