Sat. June 12, 2021 – Prototyping

9:30 AM to 11:30 AM PST

Jim will share with us his secrets in Prototyping projects, from concept to breadboarding, prototyping and printed circuit

The discussion will touch on hardware/software tools used in each of the phases with focus on methods of prototyping and assembly.

See the presentation .pdf here.

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentations

Jitsi Virtual Meeting

Please contact if you are having trouble connecting to the meeting server.

Sat. Mar. 13, 2021 – Hardware Containers

Now that you have the world’s most useful project, it is time to package it up so the world doesn’t break it. We’ll discuss using different packaging containers to protect your project.

9:30 AM to 11:30 AM PST

Jitsi Virtual Meeting
Please contact if you are having trouble connecting to the meeting server.

George’s packaging presentation:

Deid’s packaging presentation:

Happy Holidays

The tree in its final decorated state

The friends of VicPiMakers wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Stay tuned for our 2021 lineup of VicPimaker and Others goodness and lots of Linux and Network fun.

Christmas Tree by Mark G and Arduino

Sat. Nov. 14, 2020 – Overview of IDEs

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

Overview of IDEs for programming your embedded devices.

Be sure to BRING a LAPTOP, as these are hands-on sessions.

QCollege has graciously offered to use their campus for our fall meetings. This will be a hybrid meeting (in-person & on Jitsi). Seating is limited, please indicate if you intend to attend in person post to this event on meetup.

Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC


George’s slides

Lynn’s slides

Sat. Oct. 24, 2020 Intro to Scratch (language)

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

Introduction to Scratch. Scratch is a block-based visual programming language.

See Eileen’s presentation .pdf here.

And Jim will introduce Programming Challenge 2. Download the challenge here.

Be sure to HAVE a LAPTOP, as these are hands on sessions.

QCollege has graciously offered to use their campus for our fall meetings. This will be a hybrid meeting (in-person & on Jitsi). Seating is limited, please indicate if you intend to attend in person (post to the event on meetup here).

Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC


Sat. Oct. 10, 2020 – Computer Language Series

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

language sig

Learn the basics of Computer Languages: c, PHP, Python, Bash

All four languages will be covered, where it will be apparent the similarities and differences of each.

Be sure to BRING a LAPTOP, as these are hands on sessions.

This session: Libraries

QCollege has graciously offered to use their campus for our fall meetings. This will be a hybrid meeting (in-person & on Jitsi). Seating is limited, please indicate if you intend to attend in person (post to this event).

Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC


Programming Challenge (Hybrid) Saturday, September 26, 2020

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

A two-parter:

Jim will issue a programming challenge to hone or improve your coding skills.

Mark will share his 3D printer, octoprint, experiences.

QCollege has graciously offered to use their campus for our fall meetings. This will be a hybrid meeting (in-person & on Jitsi). Seating is limited, please indicate if you intend to attend in person (post to this event).

See the programming challenge txt here.