Sat Mar 8 2025 – XOR Logic with a Neural Network on a Raspberry Pi Pico

Two input XOR logic is implemented with an artificial neural network written in MicroPython on a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller as an educational exercise of applying artificial intelligence to control machinery (LEDs in this example).

The intent of the presentation is to provide enough detail for others to get started on their own projects incorporating an artificial neural network on a microcontroller (or single board computer).

I’ll be presenting referring to a document that will be available at a GitHub repository (along with MicroPython code and a couple of Jupyter-Notebook files that will be discussed during the presentation):

Where: White Spot (Mt Newton & Pat Bay Hwy)

When: 9:30-10a Beverages & Conversation
10a Presentation

This is a Hybrid meeting (in-person and on Jitsi)
NOTE: The online server is only available during meeting times, so if you click on the link below and it doesn’t work then there is no meeting and this is normal.

Join Us Online here:

Sat Mar 9 2024 – Running AI at home on a Raspberry Pi

Craigs presentation notes are here.

8:45-9:00a Coffee & Conversation
9:00a Presentation

PLEASE NOTE: earlier time for this meeting. There is another group who will be using the room at 10:45a.

AI is not just for the big guys any longer. It is possible to run an Artificial Intelligence program on your Pi 4 or Pi 5. In this presentation, we’ll learn about how to run an several AI models on the Pi, the advantages and disadvantages of each.

We’ll open the floor to ask the AI questions (via a web interface on the local network), so bring a laptop, all over IPv6!

This is a Hybrid meeting (in-person and on Jitsi).

Join Us Online here:

Nov 11 2023 – Intro to NextCloud on a Pi

Why just run your own video conferencing server, when you can simultaneously run that AND mail, calendaring, contacts, calls, IM, file sharing, remote backup, and a web-based office suite, all in one intimidating package. Get your own thrift-store Google G Suite going with the open source Nextcloud platform on a tiny Raspberry Pi! Great for the privacy-conscious, the independent, and masochists. We’ll do it the hard way and make configuring Jitsi look like recess at kindergarten (and then do it the easy way). Warning: the hard way will race through dependencies including Apache, PHP, MySQL/MariaDB and openSSL, so expect some mild suffering.

Richard’s Blog here:

Actual process including configuring a web server and database and installing from a source tarball:

here are the pdfs

and here

Much briefer post using nextcloudpi via docker from my notes, as originally demoed:

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

This is a Hybrid meeting (in-person and on Jitsi).

Join Us Online here:

Sat. Mar. 25, 2023 – Home IoT

home IoT wifi everywhere

This will be an open discussion of IoT with an introduction by Robert discussing his old IoT setup at home and the continuing process of his migration to Home Assistant.

Robert’s presentation pdf is here.

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

This is a Hybrid meeting (in-person and on Jitsi).

Small Boardroom @ Quality Foods, 27 Helmcken Rd #110 · View Royal

Join Us Online here:

Thu. Apr. 27, 2023 – NetSIG: LXD Installing Pi-Hole in a Linux Container

NetSIG is a Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

Last month we did the InstallFest for Linux Containers (LXD). This month, we’ll install a popular application, Pi-Hole, in a container on YOUR Pi. With Linux Containers, there’s no need to dedicate a Pi to Apps like Pi-Hole.

This month, BRING YOUR PI, and the LXD 32 GB SD Card, and we’ll do a Linux Containers App installation on your Pi. Also bring a method to SSH to your Pi (e.g. laptop or screen + keyboard).

We will be meeting in-person at Quality Foods (small boardroom upstairs), bring a laptop and have Wireshark installed. This will be hands on. PLEASE BRING an ETHERNET dongle/port as we will be ssh-ing into your Pi, and configuring Linux Containers.

Afterword, we will go out for a beer/coffee.

This is a Hybrid meeting (in-person and on Jitsi).

Small Boardroom @ Quality Foods, 27 Helmcken Rd #110 · View Royal

Join Us Online here:

Sat. Apr 11, 2020 – Introduction to Networking (Virtual Meeting)

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

This is a Virtual meeting using Jitsi. Join the meeting at:

Interested in the basics of computer networking? Want to know how your packets get from here to there? Don’t miss this Introduction to networking presentation which will answer the following:

  • Why do we need Ethernet anyway?
  • The basics of IPv4 & IPv6
  • What happens when a packet is routed
  • Some basic SOHO network topologies

Bring your own coffee, and we’ll see you on Jitsi on Saturday!

Presentation notes:

Thursday, Jan 23, 2020 – NetSig

netsig image

A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

Half of the meeting is education, or presentation. Half is sharing, and problem solving.

Bring a laptop with Wireshark installed: We’ll look into scanning networks with NMAP, and what info you can glean from it.

Thursday, January 23, 2020
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC


net sig

First Meeting – Thursday, July 25, 2019
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM 
Q-College · Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

Bring a laptop with Wireshark (download) installed: 
We’ll be covering the basics of packet capture, and seeing what is actually on your network. More Wireshark: pad

What is NetSig?

A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking.
Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

1.5 hours on a weekday evening
Half of the meeting is education or presentation. 
Half is sharing, and problem-solving.

A gathering of like-minded persons.
Understand and solve some of the challenges in networking today.
Are you IPv6 ready? 
Help Victoria become a leader, rather than a follower in Networking.


Education | Traffic analysis: ELK stack and Packet Beat | Virtualized Networking in Cloud containers | IPv6 | Routing |

Summer Break 2019

Victoria PiMakers and Others are on a summer break.  We will meet again on Saturday, September 14th,  at Q-College.  The presentation(s) will be “My Summer Show & Tell.”

In the meantime…

Linux Sigs!

First Saturday of the Month
July 6th and August 3rd
9:30 am – 12:00pm
Quality Foods, Upstairs Large Boardroom
Eagle Ridge Plaza
27 Helmcken Rd

And The Net Sig!
First meeting
Thursday, July 25, 2019 and the next meeting is August 22.
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

Half of the meeting is education or presentation. Half is sharing and problem-solving.

Bring a laptop with Wireshark installed: We’ll be covering the basics of packet capture, and seeing what is actually on your network.