Sat. Apr 11, 2020 – Introduction to Networking (Virtual Meeting)

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

This is a Virtual meeting using Jitsi. Join the meeting at:

Interested in the basics of computer networking? Want to know how your packets get from here to there? Don’t miss this Introduction to networking presentation which will answer the following:

  • Why do we need Ethernet anyway?
  • The basics of IPv4 & IPv6
  • What happens when a packet is routed
  • Some basic SOHO network topologies

Bring your own coffee, and we’ll see you on Jitsi on Saturday!

Presentation notes:

Sat. Feb 22, 2020 – Language Learning Series – Arrays

language sig

Learn the basics of Computer Languages: c, PHP, Python, Bash

All four languages will be covered, where it will be apparent the similarities and differences of each.

Be sure to BRING a LAPTOP, as these are hands on sessions.

This session: Arrays

Saturday, February 22, 2020
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Camosun College Interurban Campus
4461 Interurban Road · Victoria, BC
Tech Bldg, Tec 177

Thur Feb 27, 2020 – NetSig – Defending with IP Tables/bpf


A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!
Half of the meeting is education, or presentation. Half is sharing, and problem solving.
Bring a laptop with Wireshark installed: We’ll be running a hands on workshop using iptables/ip6tables/bpf (BSD Packet Filter)
Thursday, February 20, 2020
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Q-CollegeSuite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

Saturday, Jan 11, 2020 – Amateur Radio

Using Nexus DR-S hat on your Pi to control your Amateur Radio. Nexus DR-X (aka: DigiLink) is a digital radio cross patch that allows you to link the Raspberry Pi sound card of your choice to nearly any amateur radio transceiver to enable perfect digital data communications.

The Buster RPI image includes a host of Ham apps and a simple dialog box that makes updating and installing your favorite programs easy. Deid’s presentation notes are here.

10:00 AM – 12:00PM
Q College Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

Thursday, Jan 23, 2020 – NetSig

netsig image

A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

Half of the meeting is education, or presentation. Half is sharing, and problem solving.

Bring a laptop with Wireshark installed: We’ll look into scanning networks with NMAP, and what info you can glean from it.

Thursday, January 23, 2020
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

Sat, Nov 23, 2019 -Electrical measurements in the unsteady state

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Learn how to measure the electrical world using your embedded device. In this talk, we’ll answer the following, and show you lots of cool stuff:

  • When does Ohm’s law apply?
  • Measuring inductance and capacitance, and formulas for these
  • Recording transient currents when a motor starts and stops.
  • Protecting devices with inrush current limiters and transient suppressors.

Camosun College Interurban Campus
4461 Interurban Road · Victoria, BC
Tech Bldg, Tech 177


net sig

First Meeting – Thursday, July 25, 2019
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM 
Q-College · Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

Bring a laptop with Wireshark (download) installed: 
We’ll be covering the basics of packet capture, and seeing what is actually on your network. More Wireshark: pad

What is NetSig?

A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking.
Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

1.5 hours on a weekday evening
Half of the meeting is education or presentation. 
Half is sharing, and problem-solving.

A gathering of like-minded persons.
Understand and solve some of the challenges in networking today.
Are you IPv6 ready? 
Help Victoria become a leader, rather than a follower in Networking.


Education | Traffic analysis: ELK stack and Packet Beat | Virtualized Networking in Cloud containers | IPv6 | Routing |

Summer Break 2019

Victoria PiMakers and Others are on a summer break.  We will meet again on Saturday, September 14th,  at Q-College.  The presentation(s) will be “My Summer Show & Tell.”

In the meantime…

Linux Sigs!

First Saturday of the Month
July 6th and August 3rd
9:30 am – 12:00pm
Quality Foods, Upstairs Large Boardroom
Eagle Ridge Plaza
27 Helmcken Rd

And The Net Sig!
First meeting
Thursday, July 25, 2019 and the next meeting is August 22.
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

Half of the meeting is education or presentation. Half is sharing and problem-solving.

Bring a laptop with Wireshark installed: We’ll be covering the basics of packet capture, and seeing what is actually on your network.

Sat Apr 27, 2019 – Wireguard IPv6 VPN – IPv6 in the Land of NAT

Camosun College
Interurban Campus
4461 Interurban Road · Victoria, BC
Tech Bldg, Tec 177(parking at lot 8 for park users)

Go to any Starbucks, McDonald’s, the airport, the Library or even Camosun, and you will find yourself on a NATted network. How to get on the IPv6 Internet when stuck behind NAT? Enter the VPN (Virtual Private Network).

In this talk, we’ll show you how to use a VPN to get to the IPv6 Internet, but also share it with your friends (using an OpenWrt router)
Craig’s presentation can be found here. Your IPv6 web funny, Toads, can be found here. (IPv6 required).
The IPV6 utility, IPvFoo, is a Google and Firefox extension/addon, the github version can be found here.