Sat. Nov. 14, 2020 – Overview of IDEs

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

Overview of IDEs for programming your embedded devices.

Be sure to BRING a LAPTOP, as these are hands-on sessions.

QCollege has graciously offered to use their campus for our fall meetings. This will be a hybrid meeting (in-person & on Jitsi). Seating is limited, please indicate if you intend to attend in person post to this event on meetup.

Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC


George’s slides

Lynn’s slides

Sat. Oct. 24, 2020 Intro to Scratch (language)

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

Introduction to Scratch. Scratch is a block-based visual programming language.

See Eileen’s presentation .pdf here.

And Jim will introduce Programming Challenge 2. Download the challenge here.

Be sure to HAVE a LAPTOP, as these are hands on sessions.

QCollege has graciously offered to use their campus for our fall meetings. This will be a hybrid meeting (in-person & on Jitsi). Seating is limited, please indicate if you intend to attend in person (post to the event on meetup here).

Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC


Sat. Oct. 10, 2020 – Computer Language Series

9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

language sig

Learn the basics of Computer Languages: c, PHP, Python, Bash

All four languages will be covered, where it will be apparent the similarities and differences of each.

Be sure to BRING a LAPTOP, as these are hands on sessions.

This session: Libraries

QCollege has graciously offered to use their campus for our fall meetings. This will be a hybrid meeting (in-person & on Jitsi). Seating is limited, please indicate if you intend to attend in person (post to this event).

Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC


Sat. June 27, 2020 – ADSB Multiple Feeds


9:30-10a Cocktails & Conversation
10a Presentation

Virtual Meeting:

Interested in feeding your data to more than just Flightradar24 or Flight Aware? Unsure which feeder to install first? Confused by which dump1090 fork to install?

This presentation will demonstrate installing one feeder on your Raspberry Pi and then discuss the quirks to setting up the additional feeders (ADS-B Exchange, AirNav RadarBox, OpenSky Network, and Plane Finder) so that they all play nice together.

ADS-B Exchange:
AirNav RadarBox:
Flight Aware:
OpenSky Network:
Plane Finder:

Here is the video of our virtual meeting:

Summer Break 2019

Victoria PiMakers and Others are on a summer break.  We will meet again on Saturday, September 14th,  at Q-College.  The presentation(s) will be “My Summer Show & Tell.”

In the meantime…

Linux Sigs!

First Saturday of the Month
July 6th and August 3rd
9:30 am – 12:00pm
Quality Foods, Upstairs Large Boardroom
Eagle Ridge Plaza
27 Helmcken Rd

And The Net Sig!
First meeting
Thursday, July 25, 2019 and the next meeting is August 22.
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

Half of the meeting is education or presentation. Half is sharing and problem-solving.

Bring a laptop with Wireshark installed: We’ll be covering the basics of packet capture, and seeing what is actually on your network.

Intro to Pi and Others: Part 4

Light it up!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

Intro to Pi & Others is a 4 part series of short monthly sessions to help get you up and running with your Pi or Other (embedded device). It is a structured hour-long session where you can ask questions.

Please bring in your Pi, HDMI cable, and power supply. All other equipment will be provided.

This is a four-part series with each session building on the previous sessions, where Pi basics of software and hardware will be explored. Read More

Intro to Pi & Others Part 3

Light it up!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

Intro to Pi & Others is a 4 part series of short monthly sessions to help get you up and running with your Pi or Other (embedded device). It is a structured hour-long session where you can ask questions.

Please bring in your Pi, HDMI cable, and power supply. All other equipment will be provided.

This is a four-part series with each session building on the previous sessions, where Pi basics of software and hardware will be explored. Read More

Sat Apr 27, 2019 – Wireguard IPv6 VPN – IPv6 in the Land of NAT

Camosun College
Interurban Campus
4461 Interurban Road · Victoria, BC
Tech Bldg, Tec 177(parking at lot 8 for park users)

Go to any Starbucks, McDonald’s, the airport, the Library or even Camosun, and you will find yourself on a NATted network. How to get on the IPv6 Internet when stuck behind NAT? Enter the VPN (Virtual Private Network).

In this talk, we’ll show you how to use a VPN to get to the IPv6 Internet, but also share it with your friends (using an OpenWrt router)
Craig’s presentation can be found here. Your IPv6 web funny, Toads, can be found here. (IPv6 required).
The IPV6 utility, IPvFoo, is a Google and Firefox extension/addon, the github version can be found here.

March 23, 2019 Let’s Encrypt

“Let’s Encrypt” is a free, public usable Certificate Authority that makes encrypting your web server’s http traffic easy. All you need to know about setup up a Raspberry Pi to use Let’s Encrypt will be presented by Mark G.

Camosun College
Bldg: Technology Bldg, Room: Tech 177 – 4461 Interurban Rd, Victoria, BC (parking at lot 8 for park users)

Download: Using Let’s Encrypt As A Certificate Authority on a Raspberry Pi
