Intro to Pi and Others – 20 Feb 2018

Intro to Pi & Others is a short monthly session to help get you up and running with your Pi or Other (embedded device). It is an unstructured hour-long session where you can ask questions, bring in your Pi or Other (and power supply), and get help with your project.

This month, learn the basics of GPIO and how to turn on/off a LED. We have extra green projects boards and LEDs to use. See you on Tuesday.

LED Presentation

Feb 10, 2018 – Power Over Ethernet

Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC

Discover the advantages of Power of Ethernet (PoE)! PoE is a technology that allows one to only run one cable to a distant device, just an ethernet cable. The distant device not only receives network connectivity, but also power from the single cable. This is good for small low power devices such as ESP8266 (embedded controller) boards.  Hosted by Mark G.  RSVP on Meetup here.

Here is a link to the presentation pdf.

What are two things that an Internet of Things (IoT) device
must have?

1. An avenue for communication.
2. Power.

There are a number of ways to satisfy both of these requirements
simultaneously.  Item one can be fulfilled with:

– Wireless ethernet;
– Wired ethernet;
– Another radio based data exchange (nRF24L01 transceivers, Bluetooth)
to a network attached controller;
– 2G/3G (and friends) cellular connections;

I’m sure there are others.

Power can be handled variously by:

– A device specific transformer using a wall plug;
– A battery or set of batteries;
– A solar power panel w/battery;
– A power over ethernet cable;

I’ll discuss the ins, outs, pros and cons of these needs
and their combinations.



Jan 13, 2018 – Python Webserver


Personal IPv6/IPv4 Python Webserver

Why have a personal webserver? Easy distribution of files.

Why support IPv6 and IPv4? Not only is it cool, but it is very easy to do. IPv6 is the future of the internet, setting up a little personal webserver that supports both protocols will help you learn about the future.


Suite 303, 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC

View Presentation

Dec 9, 2017 – Esp8266 Over The Air Programming

9:30 AM

ESP8266 OTA (Over the Air) Updates with Arduino IDE.  OTA update is the process of loading a new firmware to ESP8266 module using WiFi connection rather than a serial communication. This type of functionality is extremely useful in case of no physical access to the ESP module.

This presentation, by Greg Lawrance, will include a hands on session for those who want to learn more. Please bring your PI, and preload the software referred to in the meetup announcement.

Presentation Notes

Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC

Intro to Pi & Others #2 – Tues Nov 21

Tuesday, November 21, 2017
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC

Intro to Pi & Others is a short monthly session to help get you up and running with your Pi or Other (embedded device). It is an unstructured hour-long session where you can ask questions, bring in your Pi or Other (and power supply), and get help with your project.

We plan on holding these sessions once a month on a Tuesday night. If you are looking for a bit of help, this session is for you.

Oct 28, 2017 – Open Source Routers with OpenWrt/LEDE

9:30 AM

Q-College, Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC (map)

routerYou have seen Craig carrying around routers, but he has never shown you what is inside. In this session, Craig will show you the Open Source alternative to Router Software, which supports over 1000 router models. There is a good chance your router is supported by OpenWrt/LEDE.

OpenWrt/LEDE also have excellent IPv6 support. What could be better to prepare you for the future of the internet.

View Presentation

Sep 23, 2017 – ODROID

Saturday, 9:30am

Suite 303 – 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC (map)

Introductiion to the ODROID, a ARM 64bit 1.5Ghz quad core single board computer!

The most advanced architecture for mobile devices and embedded 64-bit computing. Featuring 1.5Ghz cortex-A53 cores, high-performance 2Gbyte DDR3 SDRAM, Gigabit Ethernet and eMMC5.0 HS400

Also, Kali Linux, the Security Distro will be reviewed, and will demo some of the tools.

Thank You Q College

Manny Mandrusiak and Deid Reimer

June 24, 2017

 Q Academy’s Manny Mandrusiak, Executive Director, and Leaoni Webb, Education Director provide a warm welcome and all the essentials for our Saturday morning gatherings. Thank you for being there Manny and Leaoni. Here’s a little something in appreciation of your hospitality.

June 10, 2017 – Project Day

Saturday, June 10, 2017
9:30 AM

Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC

Please join us for a discussion/learning day about embedded projects. Bring in your Raspberry Pi’s, ESP8266, Arduino, whatever, and ask/answer questions and share what you are doing.

Look forward to seeing you there!

May 13, 2017 – IPv6 Part 2

IPv6 Fundamentals Tutorial (part 2)

  • Saturday,  May 13, 2017

    9:30 AM


Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC (map)

We’ll recap what we learned in Part 1, and then expand our knowledge of how IPv6 really is different from IPv4 by learning about:

• Router Advertisements – Good info from the router

• Dive into DNS a bit more, learning about AAAA records

• Sniffing the network with wireshark

Resource: Craig Miller

See the full IPv6 tutorial  (all parts) on

April 8, 2017 – File Systems on the Pi

The Basics of Filesystems on the Pi

  • 9:30 AM

    Victoria Computer Club

    85A Burnside Rd West (at Wascana), Victoria, BC (map)

    Filesystems is what keeps track of the files on your Raspberry Pi. Linux supports several types of filesystems (including the ones used by Macintosh and Windows).

    Chris K. will cover the basics of filesystems in the context of the Pi. We will look at the boot sequence, types of filesystems and their specific usages, and then we will dive into the structure of the both the boot and root filesystem (rootfs) partitions.

    See the presentation material here.

March 25, 2017 – Python Webservers

Python Webservers

  • Saturday, March 25, 2017

    9:30 AM

    Location:  Q-College

    Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC (map)

    Hayward will be talking about Python Webservers.  The presentation will cover the basics of what they are, how they differ from a traditional web server, and provide examples of (and discussion around) some projects that he has setup using a python web server.

    Presentation material is here.

March 11, 2017 – Intro to I²C on the Pi

Introduction to I²C on the Pi

  • Saturday, March 11, 2017

    9:30 AM

Location: Victoria Computer Club

85A Burnside Rd West (at Wascana), Victoria, BC (map)

I²C.  A common 2 wire bus, a brief background on how it works, and simple programming the Pi to read from and write to I²C devices on the bus. Devices include: External LCD display, 7 segment LEDs, and Addressable LED lights to name a few.

Join us and learn how to drive the I²C (pronounced eye-squared-see) from your Raspberry Pi.

Presentation pdf 

I²C Demos

February, 25, 2017 – Python 6: String Formatting – tkinter

Saturday, February 25, 2017

9:30 AM


Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC (map)

Why invent the wheel? Over the years Python has adopted of features from other languages, skillfully designed and proven useful and effective:

Two Python mini-languages: regular expressions, and string formatting.

As a plus an intro to Tkinter, the built-in Python GUI. Tkinter is a binding to Tk, one-half of the Tcl/Tk language, developed over the last 25 years.

February 11, 2017- IPv6 Part 1

The future of the internet, Introduction to IPv6

Victoria Computer Club
85A Burnside Rd West (at Wascana), Victoria, BC (map)

The internet has run out of IPv4 addresses (as of Oct 2016). The future of the internet and networking will rely on the “new” IPv6 protocol.

There’s more to IPv6 than a really big address. Come and learn the basics of this foundation of the next generation Internet.

We’ll cover:

• Why do we need IPv6?

• Not your Grandmother’s IP

• IPv6 Addressing

• Hands on session (Please bring a computer for the hands on session: Pi, Laptop, BSD machine)

more …

Resource: Craig Miller

January 28, 2017 – ESP8266

9:30 AM

  • Q-College

    Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC (map)

  • The VicPiMakers and Others, includes many devices besides the Raspberry Pi. At this meeting, Greg, will provide an over view of the  ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip with full TCP/IP stack and MCU capability. He will highlight several different modules and dev boards, and the software options of Arduino code, and MIcroPython. There will also be a hands on session with the ESP devices.

January 14, 2017 – Blinky Lights on BSD

Blinky Lights on BSD (Beaglebone Black)

Saturday, January 14, 2017
9:30 AM

Victoria Computer Club
85A Burnside Rd West (at Wascana), Victoria, BC (map)

If you ever had questions on how to integrate multiple devices together with 21st century security all controlled via a simple (looking) Android App, you won’t want to miss this meeting.

Join us for a similar but different demonstration of controlling LEDs running on one of the “Others” (a Beaglebone Black) using SSH and BSD. If that wasn’t enough, Mark G will also be showing a Raspberry Pi camera used to confirm that state of the LED, all under the control of a custom Android App.

See the full project here.