Thur Feb 27, 2020 – NetSig – Defending with IP Tables/bpf


A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!
Half of the meeting is education, or presentation. Half is sharing, and problem solving.
Bring a laptop with Wireshark installed: We’ll be running a hands on workshop using iptables/ip6tables/bpf (BSD Packet Filter)
Thursday, February 20, 2020
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Q-CollegeSuite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

Thursday, Jan 23, 2020 – NetSig

netsig image

A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

Half of the meeting is education, or presentation. Half is sharing, and problem solving.

Bring a laptop with Wireshark installed: We’ll look into scanning networks with NMAP, and what info you can glean from it.

Thursday, January 23, 2020
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC


net sig

First Meeting – Thursday, July 25, 2019
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM 
Q-College · Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

Bring a laptop with Wireshark (download) installed: 
We’ll be covering the basics of packet capture, and seeing what is actually on your network. More Wireshark: pad

What is NetSig?

A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking.
Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

1.5 hours on a weekday evening
Half of the meeting is education or presentation. 
Half is sharing, and problem-solving.

A gathering of like-minded persons.
Understand and solve some of the challenges in networking today.
Are you IPv6 ready? 
Help Victoria become a leader, rather than a follower in Networking.


Education | Traffic analysis: ELK stack and Packet Beat | Virtualized Networking in Cloud containers | IPv6 | Routing |

Summer Break 2019

Victoria PiMakers and Others are on a summer break.  We will meet again on Saturday, September 14th,  at Q-College.  The presentation(s) will be “My Summer Show & Tell.”

In the meantime…

Linux Sigs!

First Saturday of the Month
July 6th and August 3rd
9:30 am – 12:00pm
Quality Foods, Upstairs Large Boardroom
Eagle Ridge Plaza
27 Helmcken Rd

And The Net Sig!
First meeting
Thursday, July 25, 2019 and the next meeting is August 22.
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Suite 303 771 Vernon Ave · Victoria, BC

A Special Interest Group focused on computer networking. Building networks for Today and Tomorrow!

Half of the meeting is education or presentation. Half is sharing and problem-solving.

Bring a laptop with Wireshark installed: We’ll be covering the basics of packet capture, and seeing what is actually on your network.